A successful sustainable stand for Unilever at HIP 2024

Unilever hip stand

Unilever has opted for sustainability at HIP 2024 and has done so hand in hand with Global Staff, for whom we have built the project in one of the most relevant fairs in the sector.

Next to Expofactory We have managed a complex stand in terms of its materials, since the premise of a low carbon footprint has affected each of its materials and processes.

The suspended aerial frieze has been made of printed reboard cardboard, while the structure of the stand has been made using the tensioned textile system. VISUAND, material with which we continually work in our company. 

We hope to continue building projects of this type, not only because of the pride it represents to have successfully carried it out for a firm like Unilever but also because of the commitment to sustainability, which has been a seal of Vissual Events for some years now. 

Looking for something else?

This is a series of articles that aim to give a complete vision of the assembly of trade fair stands. Here you can see the links to the topics that I touch on, I assure you that you will not regret taking a look: 

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